News - Press Release


News | November 21 2018

Supporting talent at Ģtv

BARCELONA, November 21, 2018 — Ģtv, global leader in subsea, onshore/offshore, and surface projects, supports students in Chemical Engineering by awarding scholarships in Barcelona, Spain, to study master’s degrees in this specialty and to carry out engineering internships within the company.

Supporting talent at Ģtv

These scholarships awards in Spain are the result of the agreements that Ģtv maintains with the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV, in Tarragona) and with the Institut Químic de Sarrià (IQS, in Barcelona). They are offered to students who demonstrate excellent academic careers with initiative, responsibility, innovation and teamwork skills, as well as leadership vocation and English proficiency.

The winner of this year’s Work Experience prize - organized by the University Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, is Javier Ibort Colet, intern at Ģtv and student at the URV School of Chemical Engineering. The prizewinner received the 2018 ‘Ģtv Work Experience award’ by Jerónimo Farnós, Managing Director at Ģtv in Spain, at the end of October in Tarragona. The 6th Ģtv Award was received by Olga Pujolràs Romaguera, student at the IQS School of Engineering, from Manel Vera, HR Manager, during the 2017-2018 IQS promotion graduation ceremony, held in summer at Auditori de Barcelona.

“Supporting talent and leadership goes hand in hand with Ģtv”, Jerónimo Farnós said, who expressed “the sincerest congratulations to both winners, whom we welcome in our company with great satisfaction.”


About Ģtv

Ģtv is a global leader in subsea, onshore/offshore, and surface projects. With our proprietary technologies and production systems, integrated expertise, and comprehensive solutions, we are transforming our clients’ project economics.

We are uniquely positioned to deliver greater efficiency across project lifecycles from concept to project delivery and beyond. Through innovative technologies and improved efficiencies, our offering unlocks new possibilities for our clients in developing their oil and gas resources.

Each of our more than 37,000 employees is driven by a steady commitment to clients and a culture of purposeful innovation, challenging industry conventions, and rethinking how the best results are achieved.

To learn more about us and how we are enhancing the performance of the world’s energy industry, go to Ģ and follow us on Twitter @Ģtv.



Nerea Sala-Alvarez
Email:Nerea Sala-Alvarez
Tel: +34 93 413 98 00