News - Press Release


News | April 07 2020

Worldwide effort to produce visors for healthcare workers

Ģtv teams worldwide are helping protect medical workers during the COVID-19 outbreak by using 32 printers to produce visors at our facilities.

The Edvard Grieg Project team prototype medical visor was approved for use in Norway, and 500 are on their way to Kongsberg and Drammen hospitals.

Visors developed and printed by our teams in Brazil are being used by front-line hospital staff, while 3D printers at locations including Dunfermline in the UK are joining the effort.

In Brazil, one of the masks made at our TechCenter in Rio ended up being worn by an obstetrician at a Rio hospital. She sent this message: “Thank you friends from Ģtv.”

Meanwhile, ROSO Technologies Inc – one of Surface’s clients in China – has donated 32,000 facemasks to us to distribute as we see fit. The deliveries went to our facilities in Singapore and at Stephenville, Texas.

Our teams around the world have already donated thousands of masks and gloves and hundreds of litres of hand sanitizer to healthcare workers, hospitals and first responders. You can read more about that here.

We’ve also been ensuring our people can keep working safely during the lockdown. In India, our team in Hyderabad secured official permission to deliver more than 100 desktop PC workstations to colleagues who were banned from leaving their homes for three weeks along with the rest of the country’s 1.3 billion people.


Facemasks in Norway

Learn more here about our approach to Coronavirus (Covid-19)