News - Press Release


News | July 19 2021

Volunteers stitch face shields to help COVID-19 quarantine center

Ģtv’s teams at Asiaflex Products pulled together to make 1,500 face shields for front-line staff at a COVID-19 quarantine center in just one week.

About 60 volunteers and family members joined the “Do-It-Yourself Face Shield” effort organized by the sustainable development committee at the plant in Pasir Gudang, Malaysia.

Volunteers stitch face shields


The face shields were delivered Pasir Gudang COVID-19 Quarantine and Low-Risk Treatment Center, about 20 kilometers from our facility. The Malaysian Government is using the centers to reduce the burden the pandemic is placing on state-run hospitals.

The Asiaflex Sports, Welfare and Recreation Club also helped out, donating 100 cases of bottled mineral water to the center.

And Raja Rajan Ponnusamy, Asiaflex Products General Manager, handed a canopy tent to Seri Alam Police District Headquarters, to be used at one of its roadblock stations.

Helping out in the communities where we live and work is one strand of our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) commitment, sitting under the “S” pillar.

Harlina Bachok, Manager, People & Culture - Asiaflex, said, “As we continue the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many communities in Malaysia that need extra help, donations and assistance. Realizing this, Asiaflex Products has taken the initiative to help our front-liners during this difficult situation.

“COVID-19 has affected us all, but we hope that our small contribution could support and facilitate the duties of our front-liners who have been working tirelessly since the break of the pandemic more than a year ago.”