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News | March 07 2022

International Women’s Day 2022: Support in the workplace

Four women on four continents, united by their careers with Ģtv and their belief that International Women’s Day is a time to speak up to #BreakTheBias.

International Women's Day 2022 Ģtv

They have each walked their own path, but have found strength in support from colleagues as workplaces worldwide become more inclusive and diverse.

Ana Claudia Rodrigues is based in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, and has been with the company for 15 years. Ana has a technical role as an Enterprise Resource Planning Operations Senior Manager and is part of one of Ģtv’s employee network and resource groups (ENRGs).

Ana said, “I see progress in our Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) program. Awareness is established and now we’re moving to action, with many initiatives around the globe.

“I am in the Women Advancing Vision, Expertise, and Success (WAVES) network. It’s a forum for collaboration and the exchange of information regarding how women in technical positions can hone their leadership skills. It fosters personal and professional growth and development.”

Through STRIVE (Supporting Ģtv to Reach Its Vision of Equity), an ENRG in Australia, Bukkie Orugun has a “front-row seat” on I&D initiatives.

Bukkie, a Sales Manager with Surface International in Perth, Australia, said, “Ģtv has created a roadmap with achievable targets which ENRGs such as STRIVE translate into local actions, based on each geography’s I&D journey.

“With support from the Executive Leadership Team and vocal sponsors, it is clear inclusion is a core part of how we do business. Gender equity is a fundamental human right.”

In Singapore, Huey Min Chong is a Senior Lead Welding Engineer. Huey Min said, “Ģtv has provided me with a platform to bring me to a higher level in the traditionally male role of a technical welding engineer and has offered me the flexibility to work offsite. This has allowed me to provide maternal care to my daughter, support I am grateful for.

Huey Min had a hopeful message: “Persevere to achieve what you set out to do. The world is changing.”

Jocelyn Waggoner has witnessed that change. In her 24 years with Ģtv, Jocelyn has held many roles and is now VP Projects and Operations for the New Energy Ventures (NEV) organization. Based in Houston, United States, Jocelyn recalled, “Out of my graduating class of 100, there were only two other women. I was one of only a couple of women in our Subsea business.

“It is fantastic to see the support [for gender equity] at the most senior level of our company. I believe we are starting to have the right conversations, acknowledging that sometimes it can be uncomfortable. It is up to all of us to challenge and make our voices heard.

“Some things are quick wins, for example installing a room for nursing mothers, but culture change is a longer process. Keep the dialogue open, keep expressing yourself, be bold and do not be scared to be yourself.”