News - Press Release


News | May 10 2022

The pedal power of a Ģtv team raised more than $20,000 for the fight against the degenerative disease multiple sclerosis (MS) as they cycled more than 150 miles for charity.

The 35-strong mixed-gender team – made up of Ģtv workers and their family and friends – set out from Houston, Texas, on a two-day trip that saw almost 6000 riders cross the finish line at Kyle Field, home of the Texas A&M Aggies football team.

They were participating in the first : Texas MS150 since 2019.

Matt Long, Subsea Project Manager, captains the Ģtv cyclists and has taken part since 2007. Involvement in the MS150 pre-dates the creation of Ģtv, as both Technip and FMC Technologies had teams participating. Matt joked, “We like to think of ourselves as one of the earliest teams to fully integrate.

“I initially took part for the physical challenge. But as the years have passed, I’ve had friends and family friends whose lives have been affected by the disease and that motivates me. And on the route, you’ll be cycling alongside people wearing jerseys that say ‘I ride with MS’, some of them on trikes with hand pedals. When you see the effect MS has on people, and their determination to fight, it’s inspiring.”

As well as reflecting Ģtv’s ESG commitment to make a difference in the communities where its people live and work, the event fosters team spirit - and Ronan Vilarinho, Engineering Manager, is an eager participant. “I love cycling and I love meeting new people from different parts of the company,” Ronan said, “To be able to do that while helping charity means it’s a win-win.

“The ride is a challenge. There’s no winner but you are racing yourself because 180 miles (290km) in two days for anyone who isn’t a professional cyclist is going to hurt a bit! But with the mix of abilities, there is always a teammate to keep you company and you help each other on. There’s often people at the roadside clapping and cheering, because almost 6,000 cyclists is a real sight to see.”

Matt is proud of the team and the company’s ongoing commitment to doing social good. He added, “As a team, we’ve raised more than $1million over the years.”