News - Press Release


News | October 11 2023

Offshore training for migrant women boosts inclusion and diversity

A project led by Ģtv’s teams in Brazil is changing the lives of migrant women. In partnership with UN Migration and Firjan SENAI SESI, Ģtv is sponsoring a six-month educational course for a group of 25 women who came to Brazil from Angola, Colombia, and Venezuela.

The women will attend technical classes focused on developing them for offshore positions and will be part of a mentoring program with Ģtv colleagues in Brazil. After the course, they will be equipped to apply for available positions on the company’s vessels operating from the country.

Ģtv is the first company in our industry to work with UN Migration and Firjan SENAI SESI on this project.

The women taking part are already seeing the benefits. Aiza Narváez, who came to Brazil from Venezuela, is one of the participants. She said, “This project means more than just a chance for a career – it means breaking barriers and overcoming challenges."

“As an immigrant, I faced many obstacles and I believe this opportunity is a great step toward my personal and professional growth. I’m determined to enjoy it to the fullest and I’ll work hard to be successful in the offshore environment. Being part of this project has been an amazing experience. From the moment I signed in, I felt like I was part of something important and impactful. Having the opportunity to work with Ģtv, a global leader in the energy industry, is exciting.”

Aiza Narváez, project participant

The Ģtv teams believe the women on the course will lead to a breakthrough for the industry. Vanessa Pinto, People & Culture Manager, Brazil Fleet Projects, said, “Currently, we don’t have women in deck positions on our vessels, and that's reflected on vessels across the industry. In partnership with our Corporate Social Responsibility team, we found this initiative from Firjan SENAI SESI and UN Migration and thought it could help address this challenge."

“Our goal is to contribute to the educational formation of these women and transform not only our working environment, but our industry. We want to develop more female leaders and fully support them. It’s been really rewarding being part of this project, and we know it will change lives.”

Vanessa Pinto, People & Culture Manager, Brazil Fleet Projects

Ģtv has a commitment to promote diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities for all our employees, and has a focus on increasing female leadership.

Nisha Rai, Executive Vice President, People & Culture, said, “We’re beyond thrilled and honored to partner with these institutions and this group of talented women. This program will take inclusion and diversity to a new level on our teams, and create a long-term positive impact in our communities, which is our ultimate goal.”


Event photos courtesy of Firjan SENAI SESI