ࡱ;   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry  \pCalc Ba=j  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~=@ 8X@"1Calibri1Arial1Arial1Arial1Calibri1Calibri General;6_(\$* #,##0.00_);_(\$* \(#,##0.00\);_(\$* \-??_);_(@_) #,##0.00#\(#,##0.00_);[RED]\(#,##0.00\)'""($"#,##0.00_);[RED]"($"#,##0.00\) #,##0\(#,##0_);[RED]\(#,##0\)                + ) , *   (  "8   #4 #4 #8 #4 #4 # *8 # # " # # "   # # " # # # + (8 # # *8 #8 +8 `R;incomePcomprehensive incomeF]comprehensive income-1nq cash flows"changes in stockholders eq$Fchanges in stockholders eq-1!tnote 4 earnings per share"note 5 restructuring and iZnote 7 inventories!note 9 property plant and"note 10 goodwill and intanintangible assetsX note 11 debt longterm debtdlongterm debt-1"Xnote 13 commitments and co#note 14 stockholders equity"accumulated other comprehe"reclassifications out of a note 15 income taxes `provision for income tax"deferred tax assets and li!"unrecognized tax benefits!+effective income tax rate!~3note 16 pension and other$LKnote 16 pension and other -1$ Rnote 16 pension and other -2$XZnote 16 pension and other -3$`note 16 pension and other -4$fnote 16 pension and other -5$wnote 16 pension and other -6 key assumptionskey assumptions-1bkey assumptions-2"Zestimated future benefit p"note 17 stockbased compens~restricted stock units restricted stock units-1"Tnote 18 derivative financi$note 18 derivative financi-1$:note 18 derivative financi-2$note 18 derivative financi-3$Fnote 18 derivative financi-4$note 18 derivative financi-5$nnote 18 derivative financi-6$note 18 derivative financi-7$Hnote 18 derivative financi-8"note 19 fair value measure$Dnote 20 warranty obligations" segment revenue and segmen!Xsegment operating capital" geographic segment informa$'geographic segment informa-1"-other business segment inf"<9note 22 quarterly informat!\Enote 23 supplemental cash"ZInote 24 valuation and qualJVas of december 31 2016"\for the year ended decembe"notes to unaudited pro for""preliminary purchase accou$preliminary purchase accou-1$npreliminary purchase accou-2 ̬as of december 31 2016-1"for the twelve months ende"1 consolidated statement o"2 consolidated statement o"3 consolidated statement o|equity and liabilities" 4 consolidated statement o"'5 consolidated statement o Aas of december 31 2016-2 Mas of december 31 2016-3Pas of december 31 2015 ^as of december 31 2015-1 das of december 31 2015-2ias of december 31 2014 oas of december 31 2014-1 zas of december 31 2014-2"note 3 segment information$note 3 segment information-1$note 3 segment information-2"Lb information by geographi$b information by geographi-1$b information by geographi-2statement of incomestatement of income-1fstatement of income-2dassets Nequity and liabilities-1Lassets-1 , equity and liabilities-2assets-2  equity and liabilities-3*statement of cash flows!7statement of cash flows-1!2Estatement of cash flows-2#Rnote 4 operating incomeloss!Ub cost of sales by nature!Yd administrative costs by .^e other operating income"bf other operating expensesgi employee expensesNli employee expenses-1rqb financial expensesjxnote 6 income tax#Z|b income tax reconciliationc deferred income tax!note 8 earnings per share$note 9 property plant and -1$note 9 property plant and -2!pnote 10 intangible assets"a changes in net intangibl b goodwill"note 11 investments in equ$`note 11 investments in equ-1"note 12 other financial as"note 13 availableforsale fnote 14 inventories"note 15 construction contr!note 16 trade receivables#note 16 trade receivables-1"rnote 17 other current rece"Dnote 18 cash and cash equi#note 20 shareholders equity"b technips shareholders as c treasury sharesd fair value reserves as of december 31 2014-3 4ifrs 2 accounting charge8Gmandataires sociaux"difrs 2 accounting charge-1"Vonote 21 financial debts cu"wc analysis by type of inte "{as of december 31 2014-4"e schedule of financial de$ƒe schedule of financial de-1$be schedule of financial de-2!Jf secured financial debts"note 22 provisions current$note 22 provisions current-1$note 22 provisions current-2 \b schedule of provisions"b schedule of provisions-1"b schedule of provisions-2Punited kingdom as of december 31 2014-5 Bas of december 31 2014-6 82016 2015 F2014d actuarial assumptions!d actuarial assumptions-1!j!d actuarial assumptions-2!$note 25 other liabilities"+note 26 financial instrume$7note 26 financial instrume-1$Dnote 26 financial instrume-2$"Qnote 26 financial instrume-3$Vnote 26 financial instrume-4$v\note 26 financial instrume-5" bb gains and losses by cate$ib gains and losses by cate-1$ob gains and losses by cate-2"uc derivative financial ins$h|c derivative financial ins-1$Tc derivative financial ins-2"Bnote 28 related parties di$lnote 28 related parties di-1"note 30 offbalance sheet c$dnote 30 offbalance sheet c-1$note 30 offbalance sheet c-2"guarantees related to oper"b offbalance sheet commitm"Hschedule of contractual ou$hschedule of contractual ou-1$Vschedule of contractual ou-2̽b currency risk"interest rate risk monitor$rinterest rate risk monitor-1$interest rate risk monitor-2T      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~3  @@   :2!CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOMEYear Ended December 31,$(In millions, except per share data)201620152014Revenue:Product revenueService revenueLease and other income Total revenueCosts and expenses:Cost of product revenueCost of service revenueCost of lease and other revenue+Selling, general and administrative expense Research and development expense-Restructuring and impairment expense (Note 5)1Merger transaction and integration costs (Note 2) Total costs and expenses-Gain on disposition of business, net (Note 6)Other expense, net@Income before interest income, interest expense and income taxesInterest incomeInterest expenseIncome before income taxes$Provision for income taxes (Note 15)!Income from continuing operations?Loss from discontinued operations, net of income taxes (Note 6) Net income:Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests1Net income attributable to FMC Technologies, Inc.IBasic earnings per share attributable to FMC Technologies, Inc. (Note 4):!Loss from discontinued operationsBasic earnings per shareKDiluted earnings per share attributable to FMC Technologies, Inc. (Note 4):Diluted earnings per share-Weighted average shares outstanding (Note 4):BasicDiluted/CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In millions).Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax:,Foreign currency translation adjustments (1)*Net gains (losses) on hedging instruments:$Net losses arising during the periodIReclassification adjustment for net losses (gains) included in net income-Net gains (losses) on hedging instruments (2)+Pension and other post-retirement benefits:,Net actuarial loss arising during the period5Prior service credit (cost) arising during the period]Reclassification adjustment for settlement and curtailment losses, net included in net incomeYReclassification adjustment for amortization of prior service cost included in net incomeYReclassification adjustment for amortization of net actuarial loss included in net incomedReclassification adjustment for amortization of transition obligation (asset) included in net income2Net pension and other post-retirement benefits (3)-Other comprehensive income (loss), net of taxComprehensive incomeCComprehensive (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interest;Comprehensive income attributable to FMC Technologies, Inc.OFMC TECHNOLOGIES, INC. AND CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIESCONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS December31,$(In millions, except par value data)Assets As AdjustedCash and cash equivalentsGTrade receivables, net of allowances of $19.7 in 2016 and $19.2 in 2015Costs in excess of billingsInventories, net (Note 7)*Derivative financial instruments (Note 18)Prepaid expensesIncome taxes receivableOther current assetsTotal current assets Investments+Property, plant and equipment, net (Note 9)Goodwill (Note 10) Intangible assets, net (Note 10)Deferred income taxes (Note 15) Other assets Total assetsLiabilities and equity?Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt (Note 11)Accounts payable, tradeAdvance paymentsBillings in excess of costsAccrued payrollIncome taxes payableOther current liabilitiesTotal current liabilities.Long-term debt, less current portion (Note 11)RAccrued pension and other post-retirement benefits, less current portion (Note 16)Other liabilities0Commitments and contingent liabilities (Note 13)Stockholders equity (Note 14):ZPreferred stock, $0.01 par value, 12.0 shares authorized; no shares issued in 2016 or 2015Common stock, $0.01 par value, 600.0 shares authorized in 2016 and 2015; 286.3 shares issued in 2016 and 2015; and 225.7 and 226.8 shares outstanding in 2016 and 2015, respectivelyQCommon stock held in employee benefit trust, at cost; 0.2 shares in 2016 and 2015LTreasury stock, at cost, 60.4 and 59.4 shares in 2016 and 2015, respectively.Capital in excess of par value of common stockRetained earnings$Accumulated other comprehensive loss1Total FMC Technologies, Inc. stockholders equityNoncontrolling interests Total equityTotal liabilities and equity%CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWSYear Ended December31,1Cash provided (required) by operating activities:XAdjustments to reconcile net income to cash provided (required) by operating activities: Depreciation Amortization8Employee benefit plan and stock-based compensation costs'Deferred income tax provision (benefit))Unrealized loss on derivative instrumentsImpairments (Note 5)Gain on disposition of businessOtherLChanges in operating assets and liabilities, net of effects of acquisitions:6Trade receivables, net and costs in excess of billingsInventories, net0Advance payments and billings in excess of costsIncome taxes payable, net4Payment of Multi Phase Meters earn-out consideration7Accrued pension and other post-retirement benefits, net!Other assets and liabilities, net@Cash provided by operating activities from continuing operationsKCash required by operating activities from discontinued operations (Note 6)%Cash provided by operating activities1Cash provided (required) by investing activities:Capital expendituresInvestments in joint ventures2Payments for held-to-maturity investments (Note 1)%Proceeds from disposition of business%Cash required by investing activities1Cash provided (required) by financing activities:*Net increase (decrease) in short-term debt Net decrease in commercial paperRepayments of long-term debtPurchase of treasury stock0Acquisitions, payment of withheld purchase price>Payments related to taxes withheld on stock-based compensation0Cash provided (required) by financing activities<Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents%Increase in cash and cash equivalents,Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year&Cash and cash equivalents, end of year:CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY CommonStock3CommonStockHeldinTreasuryandEmployeeBenefitTrust+CapitalinExcessofParValueofCommonStockRetainedEarnings)AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncome(Loss)Non-controllingInterestTotalStockholders EquityBalance at December 31, 2013Other comprehensive lossIssuance of common stock7Excess tax benefits on stock-based payment arrangements0Taxes withheld on issuance of stock-based awards%Purchases of treasury stock (Note14)'Reissuances of treasury stock (Note14)4Net sales of common stock for employee benefit trust"Stock-based compensation (Note17)#Purchase of noncontrolling interestBalance at December 31, 20148Net purchases of common stock for employee benefit trustBalance at December 31, 2015Net income (loss)Other comprehensive incomeBalance at December 31, 2016NOTE 4. EARNINGS PER SHAREHIncome from continuing operations attributable to FMC Technologies, Inc.-Weighted average number of shares outstanding)Dilutive effect of restricted stock units$Total shares and dilutive securitiesZBasic earnings per share from continuing operations attributable to FMC Technologies, Inc.\Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations attributable to FMC Technologies, Inc.,NOTE 5. RESTRUCTURING AND IMPAIRMENT EXPENSERestructuring expense:Subsea TechnologiesSurface TechnologiesEnergy InfrastructureCorporate and otherTotal restructuring expenseImpairment expense:Total impairment expense*Total restructuring and impairment expenseNOTE 7. INVENTORIES December 31, Raw materialsWork in processFinished goodsLIFO and valuation adjustmentsInventory, net%NOTE 9. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENTLand and land improvements BuildingsMachinery and equipmentConstruction in processAccumulated depreciation"Property, plant and equipment, net'NOTE 10. GOODWILL AND < INTANGIBLE ASSETSSubseaTechnologiesSurfaceTechnologiesEnergyInfrastructureTotalDecember 31, 2015$Blending and Transfer divestiture(1) UCOSproduct group transfer (2) Impairment TranslationDecember 31, 2016Intangible assetsGrossCarryingAmountAccumulatedAmortizationCustomer relationshipsPatents and acquired technology TrademarksSoftwareTotal intangible assets NOTE 11. DEBT2.00% Notes due 2017$ Term loanCapital leases%Foreign uncommitted credit facilities;Total short-term debt and current portion of long-term debtLong-term debtRevolving credit facilityCommercial paper (1)3.45% Notes due 2022Total long-term debtLess: current portion$Long-term debt, less current portionPayments Due by PeriodTotal paymentsLessthan 1year 1-3 years 3-5 years After5 years/NOTE 13. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES20172018201920202021 ThereafterLess income from subleases$Net minimum operating lease paymentsNOTE 14. STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY(Number of shares in thousands)CommonStockIssued)Common StockHeldinEmployeeBenefit TrustTreasury StockDecember31, 2013 Stock awardsTreasury stock purchases:Net stock purchased for (sold from) employee benefit trustDecember 31, 2014ForeignCurrencyTranslationHedging1DefinedPensionand OtherPost-Retirement Benefits#Accumulated OtherComprehensiveLossDecember31, 2014FOther comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications, net of taxUReclassification adjustment for net (gains) losses included in net income, net of taxDecember31, 2015December31, 2016=Reclassifications out of accumulated other comprehensive loss Year Ended=Details about Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss Components?Amount Reclassified out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss:Affected Line Item in the Consolidated Statement of Income%Gains (losses) on hedging instrumentsForeign exchange contracts:RevenueCosts of salesProvision for income taxes2Defined pension and other post-retirement benefitsSettlements and curtailments(a)Amortization of actuarial loss"Amortization of prior service cost Amortization of transition assetNOTE 15. INCOME TAXESDomesticForeignAIncome before income taxes attributable to FMC Technologies, Inc.Provision for income taxYearEndedDecember31,Current:FederalState Total current Deferred:;Increase in the valuation allowance for deferred tax assets:Decrease of deferred tax liability for change in tax rates$Other deferred tax (benefit) expenseTotal deferred#Deferred tax assets and liabilities$Deferred tax assets attributable to:Accrued expensesNon-deductible interest Foreign tax credit carryforwards2Accrued pension and other post-retirement benefitsStock-based compensation Net operating loss carryforwards InventoriesResearch and development creditForeign exchangeDeferred tax assetsValuation allowance/Deferred tax assets, net of valuation allowance)Deferred tax liabilities attributable to:bRevenue in excess of billings on contracts accounted for under the percentage of completion methodTU.S. tax on foreign subsidiaries undistributed earnings not indefinitely reinvested8Property, plant and equipment, goodwill and other assetsDeferred tax liabilities%Net deferred tax assets (liabilities)Unrecognized tax benefitsFederal,StateandForeignTaxAccruedInterestandPenalties)TotalGrossUnrecognizedIncomeTaxBenefits2Additions for tax positions related to prior years/Reductions for tax positions due to settlements3Additions for tax positions related to current year4Reductions for tax positions related to current year(Effective income tax rate reconciliation&Statutory U.S. federal income tax rate35%Net difference resulting from:0Foreign earnings subject to different tax rates: SingaporeMalaysia Luxembourg$Foreign earnings subject to U.S. tax0Non-deductible merger transaction costs (Note 2)'Net change in unrecognized tax benefitsForeign withholding taxesChange in valuation allowance!Stock-based compensation (Note 3)Effective income tax rate62%22%34%8NOTE 16. PENSION AND OTHER POST-RETIREMENT BENEFIT PLANSPensionsOtherPost-retirementBenefitsU.S.Int lAccumulated benefit obligation)Projected benefit obligation at January1 Service cost Interest costActuarial (gain) loss Amendments Curtailments Settlements&Foreign currency exchange rate changes Plan participants contributions Benefits paid+Projected benefit obligation at December31&Fair value of plan assets at January1Actual return on plan assetsCompany contributions(Fair value of plan assets at December315Funded status of the plans (liability) at December31ECurrent portion of accrued pension and other post-retirement benefitsJAccrued pension and other post-retirement benefits, net of current portionJFunded status recognized in the consolidated balance sheets at December31LPre-tax amounts recognized in accumulated other comprehensive (income) loss:"Unrecognized actuarial (gain) loss(Unrecognized prior service (credit) costUnrecognized transition asset<Accumulated other comprehensive (income) loss at December31BPlans with underfunded or non-funded projected benefit obligation:&Aggregate projected benefit obligation#Aggregate fair value of plan assetsDPlans with underfunded or non-funded accumulated benefit obligation:(Aggregate accumulated benefit obligationOther Post-retirementBenefits1Components of net periodic benefit cost (income):Expected return on plan assetsSettlement loss (gain)Curtailment loss (gain)+Amortization of prior service cost (credit))Amortization of net actuarial loss (gain)"Net periodic benefit cost (income)_Changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized in other comprehensive income (loss):/Net actuarial gain (loss) arising during period1Prior service (cost) credit arising during period+Settlement and curtailment loss (gain), net5Total recognized in other comprehensive income (loss)Key assumptions Discount rate4.30%2.61%4.70%3.39%Rate of compensation increase4.00%3.78%3.71%4.20%3.21%5.10%3.84%4.29%&Expected rate of return on plan assets9.00%7.42%7.48%7.61% InternationalDecember31, 2016(In millions)Level1Level2Level3Level 2Equity securities:U.S. companiesInternational companiesRegistered investment companiesCommon/collective trusts (1)Insurance contractsHedge funds (1)Limited partnerships (1)!Real estate and other investmentsDecember31, 2015(In millions)"Estimated future benefit payments 2022-2026!NOTE 17. STOCK-BASED COMPENSATION Stock-based compensation expense?Income tax benefits related to stock-based compensation expenseRestricted stock units (Shares in thousands)Shares%Weighted-AverageGrantDateFairValueNonvested at December31, 2015GrantedVestedCancelled/forfeitedNonvested at December31, 2016HWeighted average grant date fair value of restricted stock units grantedCVest date fair value of restricted stock units vested (in millions))NOTE 18. DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Net Notional AmountBought (Sold)USDEquivalentAustralian dollarBrazilian real British poundCanadian dollarEuroMalaysian ringgitNigerian nairaNorwegian kroneSingapore dollar U.S.dollar U.S. dollar Liabilities.Derivatives designated as hedging instruments:*Current  Derivative financial instruments,Long-term  Derivative financial instruments3Total derivatives designated as hedging instruments2Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments:7To< tal derivatives not designated as hedging instrumentsTotal derivatives1Gain(Loss)RecognizedinOCI(EffectivePortion)Foreign exchange contractsELocationofGain(Loss)ReclassifiedfromAccumulatedOCIintoIncomeLGain (Loss)ReclassifiedFromAccumulatedOCI into Income (Effective Portion) Cost of sales,Location of Gain (Loss) Recognized in IncomedGain(Loss)RecognizedinIncome(IneffectivePortionand Amount Excluded from Effectiveness Testing)aGain(Loss)RecognizedinIncomeonDerivatives(InstrumentsNotDesignatedas Hedging Instruments)Other income, netGross Amount RecognizedBGross Amounts Not Offset Permitted Under Master Netting Agreements Net AmountDerivative assetsDerivative liabilities NOTE 19. FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS Investments:Equity securities Fixed incomeMoney market fundOther investmentsStable value fund (1)!Derivative financial instruments:Total liabilitiesNOTE 20. WARRANTY OBLIGATIONSBalance at beginning of yearExpenses for new warranties Adjustments to existing accruals Claims paidBalance at end of year,Segment revenue and segment operating profitSegment revenue/Other revenue (1)and intercompany eliminationsIncome before income taxes:Segment operating profit:(5)Intercompany eliminationsTotal segment operating profitCorporate items:Corporate expense (2),Other revenue (1)and other expense, net (3)Net interest expenseTotal corporate itemsEIncome before income taxes attributable to FMC Technologies, Inc. (4)5Segment operating capital employed and segment assets'Segment operating capital employed (1):(Total segment operating capital employedLSegment liabilities included in total segment operating capital employed (2) Corporate (3)Segment assets:Total segment assetsGeographic segment information United StatesNigeriaBrazilNorwayAngolaAll other countriesLong-lived assets:United KingdomTotal long-lived assets"Other business segment information+CapitalExpendituresYear Ended December31,3DepreciationandAmortizationYear Ended December31,6Research andDevelopmentExpenseYear Ended December31, Corporate*NOTE 22. QUARTERLY INFORMATION (UNAUDITED)#(In millions, except per sharedata)4thQtr.3rdQtr.2ndQtr.1stQtr.(Income (loss) from continuing operations*Income (loss) from discontinued operations8Net income (loss) attributable to FMC Technologies, Inc.Basic earnings (loss) per share!Diluted earnings (loss) per share+NOTE 23. SUPPLEMENTAL CASH FLOW INFORMATION4Cash paid for interest (net of interest capitalized)4Cash paid for income taxes (net of refunds received)*NOTE 24. VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS Additions DescriptionBalanceatBeginningofPeriodChargedtoCostsand ExpensesChargedtoOtherAccounts(a)DeductionsandAdjustments(b)BalanceatEndofPeriodYear Ended December 31, 2014:Allowance for doubtful accountsInventory valuation reserve+Valuation allowance for deferred tax assetsYear Ended December 31, 2015:Year Ended December 31, 2016:AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2016HistoricalTechnip(Note 4a)HistoricalFMCTI(Note 4b)PurchaseAccountingAdjustmentsNotesOtherAdjustmentsPro FormaCondensedCombined(In millions of U.S. dollars)4(i)Trade receivablesKCosts and estimated earnings in excess of billings on uncompleted contractsFinancial instruments4(h) Investments in equity affiliatesOther financial assetsGoodwill 3,4(f), 4(g)Intangible assets, net4(c)Deferred income taxes5Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt4(g)KBillings in excess of costs and estimated earnings on uncompleted contractsHAccrued pension and other post-retirement benefits, less current portion4(d)&Commitments and contingent liabilitiesStockholders equity:Share capital / common stock4(e)+Common stock held in employee benefit trustTreasury stock4(f)Total stockholders equity$FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016HistoricalTechnip(Note 5a)HistoricalFMCTINote (5b)&PurchaseAccountingandOtherAdjustments4(In millions of U.S. dollars, except per share data)5(f)5(h)Costs and expensesCost of revenue5(c)$Restructuring and impairment expense5(d)(Merger transaction and integration costsOther income (expense), net+Share of income/(loss) of equity affiliates>Income before financial income/(expense), net and income taxes Financial income/(expenses), net5(e)4Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax?Net income/(loss) attributable to Technip /FMCTI, respectively:Net income/(loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests@Earnings per share attributable to Technip /FMCTI, respectivelyDWeighted average shares outstanding to Technip / FMCTI, respectively5(g)ENOTES TO UNAUDITED PRO FORMA CONDENSED COMBINED FINANCIAL INFORMATIONC(In millions, except value per share data and FMCTI exchange ratio)=Total FMCTI shares subject to exchange as of January 16, 2017FMCTI exchange ratio(i)Shares of Ģtv issued5Value per share of Technip as of January 16, 2017(ii) Estimated purchase considerationPreliminary Purchase AccountingCalculation of goodwill:8Fair value of common shares issued to FMCTI stockholdersKRecognized amounts of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed:Total assets acquiredLess: Total liabilities assumed9Book value of net assets acquired as of December 31, 2016GLess: transaction costs to be incurred after December31, 2016 by FMCTI.Less: write-off of pre-existing FMCTI goodwill7Less: write-off of pre-existing FMCTI intangible assetsTLess: write-off of deferred tax of pre-existing FMCTI goodwill and intangible assets*Adjusted net book value of assets acquired,Identifiable intangible assets at fair value-Deferred tax impact of fair value adjustmentsPre-existing FMCTI goodwillNet adjustment to goodwill7(In millions of dollars, except estimated useful lives)EstimatedUsefulLifeAmountIdentifiable intangible assetsBacklogAcquired technology Tradenames4Estimated fair value of identified intangible assets$Pre-existing FMCTI intangible assets#Net adjustment to intangible assetsEstimatedFairValue"FiscalYear EndedDecember31, 20167Amortization of acquired finite-lived intangible assets<Less: FMCTI historical intangible asset amortization expense&Net adjustment to amortization expenseHistoricalTechnip/IFRS to U.S.GAAP andReclassificationAdjustmentsHistoricalAdjustedTechnip"Property, Plant and Equipment, net 6(f)Intangible Assets, net Investments in Equity AffiliatesOther Financial AssetsDeferred Tax Assets6(d)6(e)#Available-For-Sale Financial AssetsTotal Non-Current Assets(Construction Contracts-Amounts in AssetsAdvances Paid to SuppliersFinancial InstrumentsTrade ReceivablesCurrent Income Tax ReceivablesOther Current ReceivablesCash and Cash EquivalentsTotal Current Assets"Assets Classified as Held for Sale Total AssetsEquity and Liabilities Share Capital Share PremiumRetained Earnings6(a)6(b)Treasury Shares%Foreign Currency Translation ReservesFair Value Reserves-Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income/(Loss) Net Income?Total Equity Attributable to Shareholders of the Parent CompanyNon-Controlling Interests Total EquityNon-Current Financial DebtsIAccrued Pensions and Other Post-Retirement Benefits, less Current PortionNon-Current ProvisionsDeferred Tax LiabilitiesOther Non-Current LiabilitiesTotal Non-Current LiabilitiesCurrent Financial DebtsTrade Payables-Construction Contracts-Amounts in LiabilitiesCurrent ProvisionsCurrent Income Tax PayablesAdvance PaymentsOther Current LiabilitiesTotal Current LiabilitiesTotal LiabilitiesTotal Equity and Liabilities-FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016Revenues Cost of Sales Gross MarginResearch and Development Costs Selling CostsAdministrative Costs,Selling,< General and Administrative Expenses$Restructuring and Impairment ExpenseOther Operating IncomeOther Operating ExpensesOther Income/(Expenses), net1Operating Income/(Loss) from Recurring Activities+Share of Income/(Loss) of Equity AffiliatesZOperating Income/(Loss) from Recurring Activities after Income/(Loss) of Equity Affiliates*Income/(Loss) from Disposals of Activities#Charges from Non-Current ActivitiesOperating Income/(Loss)Financial IncomeFinancial Expenses Financial Income/(Expenses), netIncome/(Loss) before TaxIncome Tax Expense(Income/(Loss) from Continuing Operations Net Income/(Loss) for the Period)Net Income/(Loss) attributable to Technip4Net Income/(Loss) attributable to minority interests#1. Consolidated Statement of IncomeIn millions of Euro 12 months4(a)4(b)SOperating Income from Recurring Activities after Income/(Loss) of Equity Affiliates-Income/(Charges) from Disposals of Activities,Income/(Charges) from Non-Current Activities5(a)5(b)NET INCOME/(LOSS) FOR THE YEARAttributable to:"Shareholders of the Parent CompanyEarnings per Share (in Euro)$Diluted Earnings per Share (in Euro)72. Consolidated Statement of Other Comprehensive IncomeNet Income/(Loss) for the YearOther Comprehensive Income[Other Comprehensive Income to be Reclassified to Statement of Income in Subsequent Periods:JExchange Differences on Translating Entities Operating in Foreign Currency<Fair Value Adjustment on Available-for-Sale Financial Assets20(d)Income Tax EffectCash Flow Hedging^Other Comprehensive Income not being Reclassified to Statement ofIncome in Subsequent Periods:1Actuarial Gains/(Losses) on Defined Benefit Plans!COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR/3. Consolidated Statement of Financial PositionAs ofDecember 31,2016As ofDecember 31,2015As ofDecember 31,2014"Property, Plant and Equipment, NetIntangible Assets, Net6(c)#Available-for-Sale Financial Assets*Construction Contracts - Amounts in Assets TOTAL ASSETS20(a)20(c)>Total Equity Attributable to Shareholders of the ParentCompany/Construction Contracts - Amounts in LiabilitiesTOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES'4. Consolidated Statement of Cash FlowsDNet Income/(Loss) for the Year (including Non-Controlling Interests)Adjustments for:CDepreciation and Impairment Losses of Property, Plant and Equipment7Amortization and Impairment Losses of Intangible Assets!Non-Cash Convertible Bond Expense_Expense related to Share-based Payment and Employee SavingsPlans ( Plans d pargne Entreprise )UNon-Current Provisions (including Pensions and other Long-TermEmployee Benefit Plans)IShare of (Income)/Loss of Equity Affiliates (net of DistributedDividends)8Net (Gains)/Losses on Disposal of Assets and Investments$Deferred Income Tax (Credit)/Expense2(Increase)/Decrease in Working Capital Requirement6Net Cash Generated from/(Used in) Operating Activities*Purchases of Property, Plant and Equipment7Proceeds from Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment 4(e)-4(f)Purchases of Intangible Assets+Proceeds from Disposal of Intangible Assets Acquisitions of Financial Assets*Proceeds from Disposal of Financial Assets 4(g)-4(h)AAcquisition Costs of Consolidated Companies, net of Cash Acquired6Net Cash Generated from/(Used in) Investing ActivitiesIncrease in BorrowingsDecrease in BorrowingsCapital IncreaseShare Buy-BackDividends Paid20(g)+Dividends Paid to Non-Controlling Interests6Net Cash Generated from/(Used in) Financing Activities,Net Effects of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes4NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS)Cash and Cash Equivalents as of January 1Bank Overdrafts as of January 1+Cash and Cash Equivalents as of December 31!Bank Overdrafts as of December 31<5. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders Equity ShareCapital SharePremiumTreasurySharesNetIncome - ParentCompany'Share- holders Equity - Parent Company3Share- holders Equity - Non- Controlling InterestsTotal Share- holders EquityAs of January 1, 2014Net Income 2014Comprehensive Income 2014 Appropriation of Net Income 2013 DividendsZValuation of Share-based Payment and Employee Savings Plans ( Plans d pargne Entreprise ) Other (*)As of December 31, 2014Net Income 2015Comprehensive Income 2015 Appropriation of Net Income 2014As of December 31, 2015Net Income 2016Comprehensive Income 2016Net Capital Increase Appropriation of Net Income 2015(*) Includes effects of purchases of non-controlling interests and reclassifications due to changes in the consolidation scope.As of December 31, 2016Fully Consolidated CompaniesCountry!As of December 31, 2016% Interest As of December 31, 2016% ControlTechnipFranceConsolidating CompanyCofri100% Flexi FranceSafrelTechnip FranceTechnip Offshore International TechnipnetYamgaz50%South Tambey LNGAngoflex - Industrial Lda70%Technip Angola Engenharia Ltda60%Technip Oceania Pty Ltd AustraliaFlexibras Tubos FlexiveisTechnip Brasil Engenharia Technip IndiaIndia Technip ItalyItalyPT Technip Indonesia IndonesiaAsiaflex ProductsTechnip Far EastTechnip Geoproduction (M)Technip Marine (M) Sdn. Bhd.(Global Vessels Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.MexicoTechnip Benelux BV NetherlandsTechnip Holding Benelux BVTechnip Ships (Netherlands) BVTechnip Norge AS Technip RUSRussiaTechnip UK Ltd0Technip Stone & Webster Process Technology, Inc.United States of AmericaTechnip Umbilicals Inc.Technip USA Inc./Companies accounted for under the equity methodDofcon Navegaao LtdaTechnip Odebrecht PLSV CVForsys Subsea Ltd!As of December 31, 2015% Interest As of December 31, 2015% Control Angoflex SAS CyberntixSeal EngineeringTechnip Eurocash SNCTechnip AngolaGlobal Offshore Pty Ltd'Global Brasil Oleodutos e Servicos LtdaTechnip Operadora PortuariaTechnip Offshore Finland OYFinlandTechnip GermanyGermany!PT Global Industries Asia Pacific Front End Re)Global Offshore Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.%Technip de Mexico S. de R. L. de C.V.Technip Offshore (Nigeria)Technip Chartering Norge ASTechnip Coflexip Norge AS&Technip Chemical Engineering (Tianjin)People s Republic of ChinaTechnip Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaCoflexip SingaporeTechnip SingaporeTechnip Engineering (Thailand)Thailand!Genesis Oil & Gas Consultants LtdTechnip E&C LtdTechnip E&C, Inc.Technip S&W International, Inc./Technip Stone & Webster ProcessTechnology, Inc.Technip USA Holdings Inc.,Desarrolladora de Etileno, S. de R.L. deC.V.40%)Ethylene XXI Contractors S.A.P.I. de C.V.Etileno XXI Holding BVEtileno XXI Services BVYamgaz (Shanghai) Co. Ltd!As of December 31, 2014% interest As of December 31, 2014% controlTechnip Corporate Services Angoflex Lda.'Global Brasil Oleodutos E Servicos LtdaTechnip CanadaCanada#Global Industries International, LP#Cayman Islands, British West-IndiesTechnip Zimmer Gmbh(Global Asia Pacific Industries Sdn. Bhd.#Coflexip Stena Offshore (Mauritius) Mauritius(Global Offshore Mexico S. de R.L. deC.V. Saoudi ArabiaTechnip Middle EastUnited Arab Emirates As of December 31,2014% interest As of December 31,2014% controlFSTP Brasil Ltda25%Dofcon Navegacao Ltda FSTP Pte LtdBadger Licensing LLC - JVNote 3 Segment InformationSubseaOnshore/ OffshoreNon AllocableandEliminationsTotal Continuing Operations TotalAdjusted AdjustmentsTotalConsolidatedFinancial Income/(Expenses)NASegment AssetsUnalloc< ated AssetsSegment Liabilities (1)Unallocated Liabilities(2)TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITYOther Segment Information Backlog (3)Order Intake (4)Capital Expenditures:` Property, Plant and Equipment` Intangible Assets Amortization:Impairment of Assets(1)Segment liabilities allocated to the Corporate segment include financial debts such as bonds and other bank borrowings.(2) Non allocable liabilities essentially include shareholders equity.(3) Corresponds to ongoing contracts to be delivered. The backlog is defined as the difference at a specified date between the aggregate contractual sale price of all contracts in force and the cumulative revenues recognized from these contracts as of that date.(4) Corresponds to signed contracts which have come into force.Non Allocable and EliminationsUnallocated Liabilities (2)(1)Segment liabilities allocated to the Corporate segment include financial debts such as bonds and other bank borrowings.(2) Non allocable liabilities essentially include shareholders equity.(3)Corresponds to ongoing contracts to be delivered. The backlog is defined as the difference at a specified date between the aggregate contractual sale price of all contracts in force and the cumulative revenues recognized from these contracts as of that date.(4)Corresponds to signed contracts which have come into force.Total adjusted68.1)(1) Segment liabilities allocated to the Corporate segment include financial debts such as bonds and other bank borrowings.(2)Non allocable liabilities essentially include shareholders equity.(3)Corresponds to ongoing contracts to be delivered. The backlog is defined as the difference at a specified date between the aggregate contractual sale price of all contracts in force and the cumulative revenues recognized from these contracts as of that date.(4)Corresponds to signed contracts which have come into force.$(B) Information by Geographical AreaEurope, Russia, Central AsiaAfrica Middle East Asia PacificAmericas NonAllocable Revenues (1)[Operating Income/(Loss) from Recurring Activities after Income/ (Loss) of Equity AffiliatesOPERATING INCOME/(LOSS)*Intangible Assets (excluding Goodwill) (2)!Property, Plant and Equipment (3)Financial Assets (4)(1)Includes revenues earned in France: 105.5 million.(2)Includes intangible assets in France: 190.6 million and in Brazil: 5.9 million.(3)Includes tangible assets in France: 166.2 million. The fleet of vessels (including vessels under construction) that operate in different geographical areas and therefore cannot be allocated to a specific area is reported under  Non allocable .(4)Includes financial assets in France: 67.4 million and in United States of America: 6.7 million.Financial Assets(4)(1)Includes revenues earned in France: 87.7 million.(2)Includes intangible assets in France: 52.7 million and in Brazil: 5.1 million.(3)Includes tangible assets in France: 164.2 million. The fleet of vessels (including vessels under construction) that operate in different geographical areas and therefore cannot be allocated to a specific area is reported under  Non allocable .(4)Includes financial assets in France: 134.7 million and in United States of America: 11.7 million.)Intangible Assets (excludingGoodwill) (2)(1)Includes revenues earned in France: 90.7 million.(2)Includes intangible assets in France: 57.5 million and in Brazil: 6.4 million.(3)Includes tangible assets in France: 161.9 million. The fleet of vessels (including vessels under construction) that operate in different geographical areas and therefore cannot be allocated to a specific area is reported under  Non allocable .(4) Includes financial assets in France: 93.1 million and in United States of America: 12.3 million.Statement of Income 2016 Adjusted2016 Consolidated 2015 Adjusted2015 Consolidated 2014 Adjusted2014 Consolidated As of December 31, 2016 Adjusted$As of December 31, 2016 ConsolidatedAs of December 31,2016 AdjustedAs of December 31,2015 Adjusted$As of December 31, 2015 ConsolidatedJLiabilities Directly Associated with the Assets Classified asHeld for Sale As of December 31, 2014 Adjusted#As of December 31,2014 Consolidated$As of December 31, 2014 ConsolidatedKLiabilities Directly Associated with the Assets Classified as Held for SaleStatement of Cash Flows2016Consolidated_Expense related to Share-based Payment and Employee Savings Plans( Plans d pargne Entreprise )JShare of (Income)/Loss of Equity Affiliates (net of Distributed Dividends)2015Consolidated2014Consolidated$Dividends Paid to minority interestsNote 4 Operating Income/(Loss)Rendering of ServicesSales of GoodsTOTAL REVENUES(B) Cost of Sales by NatureEmployee ExpensesOperating LeasesBDepreciation and Impairment Losses of Property, Plant andEquipment.Purchases, External Charges and Other ExpensesTOTAL COST OF SALES"(D) Administrative Costs by < NatureEmployee Expenses(*)>Amortization and Depreciation of Property, Plant and Equipment!Amortization of Intangible AssetsTOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS(*)Include charges for share subscription and performance share grants: (19.9) million in 2016 compared to (32.6) million in 2015 and (40.0) million in 2014.(E) Other Operating Income?Net Proceeds from Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment (1)/Net Proceeds from Disposal of Intangible AssetsReinsurance IncomeTOTAL OTHER OPERATING INCOME(1)Includes 23.2 million of proceeds of tangible assets as of December 31, 2015.Includes 56.6 million of proceeds of tangible assets as of December 31, 2014.(F) Other Operating ExpensesReinsurance Costs;Net Loss from Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment (1)+Net Loss from Disposal of Intangible AssetsTOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSESR(1)Includes 35.7 million of proceeds of tangible assets as of December 31, 2016.(I) Employee ExpensesWages and SalariesSocial Security Costs*Pension Costs - Defined Contribution Plans%Pension Costs - Defined Benefit Plans=Share Subscription or Purchase Options and Performance SharesCash Incentive Plans'Capital Increase Reserved for EmployeesTOTAL EMPLOYEE EXPENSES,Interest Income from Treasury Management (1)+Dividends from Non-Consolidated Investments<Financial Income related to Long-Term Employee Benefit Plans"Foreign Currency Translation Gains%Changes in Derivative Fair Value, Net3Inefficient Part of Derivative Instruments, Net (2).Net Proceeds from Disposal of Financial AssetsTotal Financial Income(1) Mainly results from interest income from short-term security deposits. (2) Mainly includes swap points on derivative financial instruments.(B) Financial Expenses'Interest Expenses on Private Placements&Interest Expenses on Convertible Bonds$Interest Expenses on Synthetic Bonds!Fees Related to Credit Facilities>Financial Expenses related to Long-Term Employee Benefit Plans3Interest Expenses on Bank Borrowings and OverdraftsImpairment of Financial Assets#Foreign Currency Translation Losses3Inefficient Part of Derivative Instruments, Net (*)Total Financial ExpensesNET FINANCIAL RESULTD(*) Mainly includes swap points on derivative financial instruments.Note 6 Income Tax#Current Income Tax Credit/(Expense)$Deferred Income Tax Credit/(Expense)@INCOME TAX CREDIT/(EXPENSE) AS RECOGNIZED IN STATEMENT OF INCOMEFDeferred Income Tax related to Items Booked Directly to Opening EquityEDeferred Income Tax related to Items Booked to Equity during the Year1INCOME TAX CREDIT/(EXPENSE) AS REPORTED IN EQUITY(B) Income Tax Reconciliation%Net Income from Continuing Operations4Income Tax Credit/(Expense) on Continuing OperationsIncome Before TaxSAt Parent Company Statutory Income Tax Rate of 34.43% in 2016, 38% in 2015 and 2014?Differences between Parent Company and Foreign Income Tax Rates+Additional Local Income Tax and Foreign Tax+Gains/(Losses) Taxable at a Particular RateOther Non-Deductible Expenses:Deferred Tax Assets not Recognized on Tax Loss of the Year'Adjustments on Prior Year Current Taxes-Deferred Tax relating to Changes in Tax Rates1Movements of Deferred Taxes on Prior Years Losses,Consolidation Adjustments with no Tax Impact%Effective Income Tax Credit/(Expense)Tax Rate34.3%67.6%26.2%OINCOME TAX CREDIT/(EXPENSE) AS REPORTED IN THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME(C) Deferred Income TaxTax Losses Carried Forward,Margin Recognition on Construction Contracts=Provisions for Pensions and other Long-Term Employee Benefits"Contingencies related to ContractsOther Contingencies#Temporarily Non-Deductible ExpensesFair Value LossesOther Temporary Differences Total Deferred Income Tax Assets7Differences between Taxable and Accounting DepreciationFair Value Gains%Total Deferred Income Tax Liabilities,NET DEFERRED INCOME TAX ASSETS/(LIABILITIES)Note 8 Earnings per Share=Net Income Attributable to Shareholders of the Parent Company2Financial Expense on Convertible Bonds, Net of Tax2ADJUSTED NET INCOME FOR DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE In thousandsWeighted Average Number of Outstanding Shares during the Financial Year (excluding Treasury Shares) used for Basic Earnings per ShareEffect of Dilution:` Share Subscription Options` Performance Shares` Convertible BondWEIGHTED AVERAGE NUMBER OF OUTSTANDING SHARES DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR (EXCLUDING TREASURY SHARES) ADJUSTED FOR DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHAREIn EuroBasic Earnings per ShareDILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE6Note 9 Property, Plant and Equipment (Tangible Assets)LandVesselsMachinery andEquipmentOffice Fixtures and FurnitureAssets underConstruction$Net Book Value as of January 1, 2014CostsAccumulated DepreciationAccumulated Impairment Losses&Net Book Value as of December 31, 2014&Net Book Value as of December 31, 2015&NET BOOK VALUE AS OF DECEMBER 31, 20160Additions - Acquisitions - Internal Developments Additions - BusinessCombinationsDisposals - Write-off Depreciation Expense for theYearImpairment LossesNet Foreign ExchangeDifferences Other (1)4Additions - Acquisitions - Internal Developments (2)4Additions - Acquisitions - Internal Developments (3)(1)The line  Other is mainly related to the reclassification of assets under construction into the corresponding line items upon their delivery.(2)The decrease of the tangible assets payables between December 31, 2014, and December 31, 2015, amounted 10.4 million. The cash flows associated with the acquisition of tangible assets equal to (280.3) million.(3)The decrease of the tangible assets payables between December 31, 2015, and December 31, 2016, amounted 2.0 million. A non-cash tangible asset of 3.1 million was recognized as part of an asset acquisition achieved as of December 31, 2016, which did not constitute a business as per IFRS 3  Business Combination . The cash flows associated with the acquisition of tangible assets then equal to (273.7) million.Note 10 Intangible Assets Licenses, Patents and TrademarksAccumulated Amortization$(A) Changes in Net Intangible Assets!Additions - Business Combinations Amortization Charge for the Year$Net Foreign Exchange Differences (1)(1)Goodwill is mainly denominated in Euro.(2)There is no variation of the intangible assets payables between December 31, 2014, and December 31, 2015. The cash flows associated with the acquisition of intangible assets then equal to (13.0) million.(3)There is no variation of the i< ntangible assets payables between December 31, 2015, and December 31, 2016. A non-cash intangible asset of 145.5 million was recognized as part of an asset acquisition achieved as of December 31, 2016, which did not constitute a business as per IFRS 3  Business Combination . The cash flows associated with the acquisition of intangible assets then equal to (9.0) million. (B) GoodwillOnshore/OffshoreTOTAL GOODWILL(Note 11 Investments in Equity Affiliates Data at 100%Non-Current AssetsCurrent AssetsNon-Current LiabilitiesCurrent LiabilitiesNet Income/(Loss)!Comprehensive Income for the YearDepreciation and Amortization.Carrying Amount of Investments as of January 1Additions - Capital IncreaseChange in Consolidation Scope DisposalsDistributed Dividends*Net Foreign Exchange Differences and Other0CARRYING AMOUNT OF INVESTMENTS AS OF DECEMBER 31Note 12 Other Financial AssetsCarryingAmount FairValueNon-Consolidated InvestmentsValuation Allowance)Net Value of Non-Consolidated InvestmentsLoansNet Value of LoansLiquidity ContractNet Value of Liquidity ContractSecurity Deposits and Other(Net Value of Security Deposits and Other!TOTAL OTHER FINANCIAL ASSETS, NET+Note 13 Available-for-Sale Financial AssetsShare - UnlistedShare - Listed)TOTAL AVAILABLE-FOR-SALE FINANCIAL ASSETSNote 14 Inventories Raw MaterialsWork in ProgressFinished Goods and MerchandiseTOTAL NET INVENTORIESNote 15 Construction Contracts TOTAL NET CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS<Costs and Margins Recognized at the Percentage of CompletionPayments Received from Clients!Accruals for Losses at CompletionNote 16 Trade ReceivablesContracts - To Be InvoicedDoubtful Accounts Provisions for Doubtful AccountsTOTAL NET TRADE RECEIVABLES0Provisions for Doubtful Accounts as of January 1IncreaseUsed Provision ReversalsUnused Provision Reversals%Effects of foreign exchange and other2PROVISIONS FOR DOUBTFUL ACCOUNTS AS OF DECEMBER 31!Note 17 Other Current ReceivablesValue Added Tax ReceivablesOther Tax ReceivablesReceivables from EmployeesPrepaid Expenses (1)$Insurance Indemnities to be Received#TOTAL NET OTHER CURRENT RECEIVABLESp(1)Prepaid expenses mainly correspond to insurance costs, as well as building and construction rental expenses.!Note 18 Cash and Cash EquivalentsCash at Bank and in HandCash EquivalentsTOTAL CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS US DollarBrazilian RealPound Sterling Japanese YenNorwegian KroneAustralian DollarMalaysian Ringgit+TOTAL CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS BY CURRENCYCertificates of DepositsFixed Term Deposits TOTAL CASH EQUIVALENTS BY NATURENote 20 Shareholder s EquityNumber of Shares"Share Capital(in millions of Euro)#Share Capital as of January 1, 2014<Capital Increase due to Share Subscription Options Exercised%Share Capital as of December 31, 20142Capital Increase due to Dividend Payment in Shares%Share Capital as of December 31, 20156Capital Increase due to Exercise of Performance Shares:Capital Decrease following Cancellation of Treasury Shares%SHARE CAPITAL AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2016,(B) Technip s Shareholders as of December 31 Banque Publique d Investissement7.65%5.20%Oppenheimer Funds Inc.5.60%3.80%Blackrock Inc.4.90%4.65% The Capital Group Companies Inc.4.40%IFP nergies nouvelles2.30%2.40%2.50%Franklin Resources Inc.2.05%10.80%7.20% Aviva Plc1.95%!Norges Bank Investment Management1.90%2.00%Amundi Asset Management1.10%2.35%State Street Corporation1.70%1.80%AXA SA1.65%1.60%MFS Investment Management1.15%1.50%Baytree Investments Pte Ltd1.00%Causeway Capital Management6.50%Group Employees2.75%2.85%0.30%0.70%1.20%58.90%48.60%52.40%TOTAL100.00%(C) Treasury Shares$Treasury Shares(in millions of Euro)%Treasury Shares as of January 1, 2014.Shares Acquired pursuant to Liquidity Contract*Shares Sold pursuant to Liquidity ContractShares Purchased for EmployeesShares Granted to Employees'Treasury Shares as of December 31, 2014'Treasury Shar      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~es as of December 31, 2015Shares PurchasedShares Cancelled'TREASURY SHARES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2016(D) Fair Value ReservesCash FlowHedges(IAS 32/39) (1)>Fair Value on Available-For- Sale Financial Assets(IAS 39) (2)=Gains/(Losses) on Defined Benefit Pension Plans (IAS 19R) (3)$Fair Value Reserves - Parent Company0Fair Value Reserves - Non- Controlling InterestsTotal Fair Value Reserves(Fair Value Reserves as ofJanuary 1, 2014 Gross Effect Tax Effect*Fair Value Reserves as ofDecember 31, 2014*Fair Value Reserves as ofDecember 31, 2015+FAIR VALUE RESERVES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2016(1)Recorded under this heading is the efficient portion of the change in fair value of the financial instruments qualified as cash flow hedging, as well as foreign exchange gains and losses corresponding to the effective portion of non-derivative financial assets or liabilities that are designated as a hedge of a foreign currency risk (see Note 1-C (c) - Foreign currency transactions and financial instruments).(2) Corresponding to the revaluation as of December 31, 2014 of MHB shares which were depreciated with the reversal of associated fair value reserves (see Note 13 - Available-for-sale financial assets).(3) Recorded under this heading the total amount of actuarial gains and losses on Defined Benefit Plans according to the amended IAS 19.Number of Options Plan 2005 Plan 2008 Plan 2009 Plan 2010 Plan 2011 Plan 2012 Plan 2013 Plan 2015 Plan 2016 Part 3(1)Parts1 and2 Re-granted(1)Parts1, 2and 3Re-granted(1) Part 1 (2) Part 1 (1) Part 2(1) Part 1(1)Part 1Re-granted(1).Approval Date by Shareholders General Meeting Apr. 29, 2005 May 06, 2008 Apr. 30, 2009 Apr. 29, 2010 Apr. 28, 2011 Apr. 26, 2012 Apr. 25, 2013 Apr. 24, 2014 Apr. 28,2016$Grant Date by the Board of DirectorsMarch 12, 2007 Dec. 12, 2007 June 12, 2008 July 01, 2008 June 15, 2009 June 23, 2010 Dec. 15, 2010March 04, 2011 June 17, 2011 Dec. 14, 2011 March 2, 2012 June 15, 2012 Dec 12, 2012 June 14, 2013 Jan. 10, 2014Sept. 07, 2015 July 01, 2016)Options outstanding as of January 1, 2014Options Granted (Subscription) Options exercised (Subscription)*Options Forfeited (Purchase/ Subscription)+Options outstanding as of December 31, 2014Options exercised(Subscription)+Options outstanding as of December 31, 2015+OPTIONS OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2016Strike price (in Euro) Maturity DateMarch 12, 2013 Dec. 12,2013 June12,2014 July 01,2014 June 15,2015 June 23,2016 Dec. 15,2016 March 04,2017 June 17, 2018 Dec. 14,2018March 02, 2019 June 15, 2019 Dec. 12, 2019 June 14, 2021 Jan. 10, 2022Sept. 07, 2023 July 01, 2024(1) Share Subscription option plans exercisable four years from the date of grant and provided certain targets are met. (2) Share Purchase option plans exercisable four years from the date of grant and provided certain targets are met.IFRS 2 accounting chargePlan2008Plan2009Part 3Parts 1 and 2Re- grantedParts1, 2 and 3Re- grantedPart 1Part 2Part 1Re- granted#Share Price at Grant Date (in Euro)Exercise Price (in Euro) DividendYield2.0%3.5%3.0%4.5% TurnoverRate5.0% 2.0%/2.5%2.5% Volatility30.3%32.0%34.4%32.9%39.1%34.2%33.5%33.8%29.2%34.5%Annual Risk Free< Interest Rate6 months4.0%4.9%5.1%5.2%1.5%0.4%1.3%0.3%0.1%(0.2)%(0.7)%1 year4.1%5.4%1.7%0.5%(0.6)%3 years3.9%4.7%2.2%1.2%0.8%0.2%(0.1)%5 years4.2%4.8%2.9%1.9%2.6%1.6%1.0%(0.4)%10 years4.4%3.1%2.8%2.1%1.1%0.0%5Option Fair Value Set at Grant Date (in Euro) (1) (2) 14.35/15.05 17.58/18.40 18.59/18.87 7.61/7.90 MaturityDate March12,2013 Dec.12,2013 June12,2014 July01,2014 June15,2015 June23,2016 Dec.15,2016 March04,2017 June17,2018 Dec.14,2018 March02,2019 June15,2019 Dec.12,2019 June14,2021 Jan.10,2022 Sept.07,2023 July 01,2024\(1) The turnover rate and fair value of performance shares differ from country to country.(2) For the 2016 plan, the fair value is based on an external performance criteria applied to each category of beneficiary. The Group s Principal Executives and the remaining population benefit from a different weighting of the external performance criteria.(mandataires sociaux) Plan 2014.Approval date by Shareholders General Meeting May06,2008 Apr.30,2009 April30,2009 April29,2010 April28,2011 April26,2012 April25,2013 April24,2014 April28,2016 Feb18,2009 June15,2009 Feb.16,2010 June23,2010 Dec.15,2010 March04,2011 June17,2011 Dec.14,2011 March02,2012 June15,2012 Dec.12,2012 June14,2013January10,2014 Dec.10,2014 Sept.07,2015 July1,2016 Dec.06,2016(Outstanding Shares as of January 1, 2013Shares GrantedShare ExercisedSharesCancelled)Outstanding Shares as of December 31,2013)Outstanding Shares as of December 31,2014)Outstanding Shares as of December 31,2015)OUTSTANDING SHARES AS OF DECEMBER 31,2016Plan2014'Share Price at the Grant Date (in Euro)TurnoverRate (1) 2.0%/6.0% 2.0% /6.0%EFair Value of Performance Shares Set at Grant Date 5(in Euro) (1) (2) 21.72/21.07 32.78/31.65 47.52/46.12 67.23/65.90 74.21/72.74 81.98/80.36 70.33 /78.5836.78/ 38.59/ 40.37Feb 18,2013/14June 15,2013/14 Feb.16,201415 June23,201415 Dec.15,201415March4, 201516 June17,201516 Sept. 07,2019March2, 201617 June15,201617 Dec.12,201617 June14,201718January10,2018 19 Dec.10,2018 July01,2020 Dec.06,2020(1)The turnover rate and fair value of performance shares differ from country to country.(2) For the 2016 plan, the fair value is based on an external performance criteria applied to each category of beneficiary. The Chairman and chief Executive Officer, the Group s Principal Executives and the remaining population benefit from a different weighting of the external performance criteria.1Note 21 Financial Debts (Current and Non-Current) Fair ValueSynthetic BondsConvertible BondsPrivate PlacementsBank Borrowings!Total Non-Current Financial DebtsCommercial PapersAccrued Interests PayablesTotal Current Financial DebtsTOTAL FINANCIAL DEBTS%(C) Analysis by Type of Interest Rate Fixed Rate Floating Rate(E) Schedule of Financial Debts2022 and beyond-TOTAL FINANCIAL DEBTS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 20162021 and beyond-TOTAL FINANCIAL DEBTS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 20152020 and beyond-TOTAL FINANCIAL DEBTS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2014(F) Secured Financial Debts GuaranteeWithoutGuarantee-Bank Overdrafts, Current Facilities and Other"Short Term Part of Long-Term Debts,Note 22 Provisions (Current and Non-Current)As of January 1,2016 UsedReversalsUnusedReversalsForeign Exchange Adjustments Restructuring1Pensions and other Long-TermEmployee Benefits (1)Tax Litigation3Provisions for Claims Incurred but not Reported (2)Other Non-Current ProvisionsTotal Non-Current Provisions2Pensions and other Long-Term Employee Benefits (1)&Contingencies related to Contracts (3)Litigation (4)Provisions for Claims (2)Other Current ProvisionsTotal Current ProvisionsTOTAL PROVISIONS@(1) See Note 23 - Pensions and other long-term employee benefit plans.(2) Provisions for Reinsurance are recorded at the level of the Group s captive reinsurance companies. (3) Provisions recognized on contingencies on contracts are related to claims on contracts.(4) See Note 31 - Litigation and contingent liabilities.As ofJanuary 1,2015As ofJanuary 1,2014(B) Schedule of ProvisionsAs of 31December, 201620222023 and beyond-Pensions and other Long-TermEmployee Benefits/Provisions for Claims Incurred but not Reported&Contingencies related to Contracts (1)Provisions for Claims(1) Provisions for contingencies related to contracts which maturity cannot be precisely determined are usually presented in the less than one-year category.As of 31December, 2015As of 31December, 2014.Provisions for Claims Incurred but notReported(1)Provisions for contingencies related to contracts which maturity cannot be precisely determined are usually presented in the less than one year category.Current Service CostFinancial CostExpected Return on Plan Assets:Net Actuarial Gain/(Loss) Recognized on Long-Term Benefits'Special Events (Curtailment/Settlement)Administration Costs and Taxes:NET BENEFIT EXPENSE AS RECORDED IN THE STATEMENT OF INCOMEDefined BenefitObligationFair Value ofPlan AssetsNet Defined BenefitObligationEAsset/ (Liability) as recorded in the statement of Financial Position.Expense as recorded in the statement of incomeTotal current service costNet Financial Costs#Actuarial Gains/(Losses)of the Year&Special Events(curtailment/settlement)Administrative costs and taxes OCI amounts4Actuarial (Gain) / Loss onDefined Benefit Obligation - Experience- Financial assumptions- Demographic assumptions%Actuarial Gain / (Loss) onPlan AssetsContributions andBenefits PaidContributions by EmployerContributions by EmployeeBenefits Paid by EmployerBenefits paid from PlanAssetsExchange Difference and otherAcquisition/Divestiture$Actuarial Gains/(Losses) of the Year5Actuarial (Gain) / Loss on Defined Benefit ObligationContributions and Benefits PaidBenefits paid from Plan AssetsAcquisition/Divestiture (1)@(1)Impact of the disposal of Technip Germany GmbH in March 2016In %Bonds Real EstateCashEuroland0%48%28%3%21%45%27%2%98%46%30%-10%32%59%8%-14%47%(D) Actuarial Assumptions Discount Rate,Future Salary Increase(above Inflation Rate)Healthcare CostIncrease Rate InflationRateFrom 1.00% to 3%3.00%From 1.60% to 1.85%2.55%0.00%3.50%2.20%From 1.00% to 5.00%3.70%3.25%1.85%3Note 25 Other Liabilities (Current and Non-Current)Other Tax PayablesDeferred Income#Accruals on Completed Contracts (1)6Current Accounts on Contracts under Joint ArrangementsAdvances Received (2)Total Other Current LiabilitiesPayables on Fixed Assets Subsidies#Total Other Non-Current LiabilitiesTOTAL OTHER LIABILITIESG(1) When the contract is completed,<" accrued liabilities are recorded to cover pending expenses until the client signs the final acceptance (see Note 1-C (b) - Long-term contracts).(2) Corresponds to advances received and deferred income on contracts recorded in accordance with IAS 18, not identified as construction contracts.Note 26 Financial Instruments-Analysis by Category of Financial Instruments$At Fair Value through Profit or LossLoans andReceivables$Available- for-Sale Financial AssetsLiabilities at Amortized CostDerivativeInstruments(Investments in Non-ConsolidatedCompanies"Available-for-Sale FinancialAssetsCurrent Income TaxReceivablesNon-Current FinancialDebtsOther Non-CurrentLiabilitiesFinancialInstrumentsCurrent Income TaxPayablesTOTAL LIABILITIES*Investments in Non- Consolidated CompaniesCash and CashEquivalentsLevel 1Level 35Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or LossASSETS:Financial Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit or LossDerivative Instruments LIABILITIES9(B) Gains and Losses by Category of Financial InstrumentsFrom Subsequent ValuationInterest At Fair ValueCurrencyTranslation Impairment/Reversal ofImpairment DerecognitionNet Gains/ (Losses)#Categories of Financial InstrumentsTOTAL NET GAINS/(LOSSES)Net Gains/ (Losses)$(C) Derivative Financial InstrumentsAsset Liability5Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts - Fair Value Hedge4Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts - Cash Flow HedgeTForward Foreign Exchange Contracts - not Designated asHedges for Accounting Purposes%Synthetic Bonds - Call Option Premium&Synthetic Bonds - Embedded Derivatives&TOTAL DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS^Total Gains/(Losses) on Derivative Financial Instruments as Reported in Equity as of January 1OFair Value Gains/(Losses) on Derivative Financial Instruments - Cash Flow Hedge`TOTAL GAINS/(LOSSES) ON DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AS REPORTED IN EQUITY AS OF DECEMBER 314Effectiveness Gains/(Losses) on Fair Value Hedge (*)2Ineffectiveness Gains/(Losses) on Fair Value Hedge1Ineffectiveness Gains/(Losses) on Cash Flow HedgeQGains/(Losses) on Economic Hedge not Designated as Hedges for Accounting PurposesSTOTAL GAINS/(LOSSES) ON DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENTS AS RECOGNIZED IN STATEMENT OF INCOMEJ(*) Excluding the revaluation of related current receivables and payables.#Note 28 Related Parties Disclosures NET TRADE RECEIVABLES/(PAYABLES)IncomeExpenses%Note 30 Off-Balance Sheet CommitmentsAs ofDecember 31, 2016'Amounts of Commitments by Maturity DateLess than1 year 1 to 5 yearsMore than5 yearsTOTAL CONTRACTUAL COMMITMENTS7Of which commitments given relating to Joint Operations 1 to5 yearsACommitments Given related to the Execution of Operating ContractsParent CompanyGuarantees7TOTAL COMMITMENTS GIVEN RELATED TO OPERATING ACTIVITIES:Other Commitments Received related to Operating Activities:TOTAL COMMITMENTS RECEIVED RELATED TO OPERATING ACTIVITIES*Guarantees related to operating activities?Allocation as per % of Technip s Ownership in JointArrangementsLess or equal to 25%'Greater than 25%and less or equal to40%Greater than 40%9Parent Company Guarantees Given within Joint Arrangements<(B) Off-Balance Sheet Commitments Related to Group FinancingAs ofDecember 31, 2015!Amounts of Commitments per Period,Other Commitments Given related to Financing,TOTAL COMMITMENTS GIVEN RELATED TO FINANCING5Of which commitments given relating to Joint VenturesOSchedule of contractual outstanding cash flows related to financial liabilitiesBetween 1 and 2 yearsBetween 2 and 5 years Over5 years'Accrued Interest Payables on Bond LoansOther Accrued Interest Payables'TOTAL NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL LIABILITIESConvertible BondBank OverdraftsOther Bank Borrowings#TOTAL CURRENT FINANCIAL LIABILITIES(B) Currency RiskAs of December 31Maturity Nominal value2018 and beyond!Buy Foreign Currencies/Sell Euros!Sell Foreign Currencies/Buy EurosBuy/Sell Foreign CurrenciesTOTAL HEDGING INSTRUMENTS$Interest rate risk monitoring methodHNot impaired on the Reporting Date and Past Due in the Following PeriodsLess than 3 months3 to 12 months Over 1 yearTotal TradeReceivablesJ( &K`{g YA:cc   d-C6?_%,*+&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?"d,, ` `? ` `?U} K} , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,                 ~ 3~ ~  &  ~ { ~ CA ~    ~ 5 ~  ~ C   ~ [ ~ & ~ Sz0       ~ K ~   @   fffff@~ k~  v  ~ 3~ #C~  O  -@fffff@~  Ӕ  ~ K`@~  K  ~ +~ S @  ~ F~ {    ~ *D~ 8#~  )  ~   ~    ~ ~ ~  *  ~ ~ C~    ~ K~ C ?  fffffA~ K~    ~ ~ S~    ~ ;|~ s~    ~ I~ h~   N  ~ ;     ~ ~ h~   N  ~ 3433333~    ,! ," ,# ,$ ,% ,& ,' ,( ,) ,* ,+ ,  ~ < ~ ;f ~ E  !! ! ! !  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